Sunday, July 5, 2020

Spiritual: Neither Condemn Nor Condone

“All the way down the centuries, since the dawn of time, have the Great Lights in the world of men given us this same command. Think you then, that it was idle daydreaming or accident that the human side of each individual should be reminded again and again, in every age to "condemn not - judge not - criticize not?"

The Great Ones Who have guided humanity on its path to Perfection from its infancy, have throughout eons of time, reiterated those Commands; and they are still this very moment just as much Cosmic Laws to all humanity here and elsewhere as they were the very first time they were spoken forth. They apply to every human being on this planet and there is no such thing as an exception. If we will exercise our mental muscles a little it will not be difficult for us to grasp the reason back of this Cosmic Command. First, from the standpoint of each of us, for that is the nearest thing to us, we do not want to create thought forms with which we fill our own auras with anything except what is going to bring us harmony, happiness and blessings. Everyone's primary impulse in life is to be happy. That is our birthright and our Divine prerogative. Harmony is the fundamental Law of our being. Therefore, if we think, see, feel or speak an inharmony about any other part of creation, we are that moment building thought forms of mental substance and energizing them with our feeling and thought...”

“Read John 8:10-11 — 
Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” 

There seem to be two extremes in the Christian church when it comes to dealing with human wrongdoing. One extreme is to jump on those who have gone astray and remind them constantly of their shortcomings. You may hear about grace, but you have to crawl over broken glass to receive it.
The other extreme is to shrug your shoulders, paint a warm smile on your face, and pat the wrongdoer on the head and tell them God loves them so don’t worry about it. Grace is so cheap that it becomes worthless.
Neither approach takes human responsibility seriously enough. We are responsible for our actions and our actions have consequences. Then again, our God is able to bring good out of evil and wholeness out of brokenness. We are neither to complacently accept sin nor see it as the bedrock reality...”