Monday, June 29, 2020

COVID-19: Humility vs Hubris

To observe someone willfully and deliberately committing a wrongful act...

What would you, if you could, say to a well heeled woman who gets out of her big shiny SUV and walks into a coffee shop (not wearing a face mask) to order her coffee drink from the mask wearing barista. Everyone else (coming and going) is wearing a face mask, but she seems oblivious. Perhaps she is depending on everyone else’s wearing face masks to minimize the danger to her; but, if she’s so thoughtless and careless in this one instance, she’s likely encountered others of her own ilk and is, thus, a specific danger to the barista who likely doesn’t have health insurance. What then, when she next goes into the dry cleaners next door to be served by the next potential victim of her hubris. And when she opens her vehicle’s door, there’s an unoccupied child’s safety seat — what other lessons of entitlement are being disseminated in her home (and others like hers)?

Note: The hubris of not wearing a face mask cuts across all cultural and socio-economic lines. Fortunately, the humility of appropriate face mask usage is more commonly observed than the malevolence of the immoral behavior described above. 

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