Sunday, June 21, 2020

Biased & Least Biased News Sources

For least biased news sources, click on:
Then for ten categories of varying types of bias, click on the “Bias Categories Menu” icon.

Then simply scroll down the page until you see the list of links in red. Click on those that catch your eye.

For example, the first on in the list is:
9News – KUSA (
Click on it and you’ll find at the bottom of the detailed report given about this Denver TV station, you’ll find their link to click on that takes you to their website:

Each different news source is given a detailed report. At the end of each report is the link to their website.

Bookmark those that appeal to you.

Many will offer to send you their newsletter. Note that it is easy to unsubscribe at any point in time if and when you want to. By adding and deleting news sources and/or newsletters, you can curate news that fits your needs best.

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