Thursday, June 4, 2020

COVID-19: ‘Typhoid Mary Mentality’ of Those Who Don’t Wear Face Masks

Because of Covid-19’s often presymptomatic and asymptomatic characteristics, many people are “infected” but don’t know it. Thus, they unknowingly spread the virus by simply breathing and talking. They’re a part of the ‘Typhoid Mary’ phenomenon that is helping spread the Covid virus amongst us.

What’s morbidly interesting is that the real life Typhoid Mary was caught and eventually released on her own recognizance with the understanding of certain limitations to prevent the spreading of typhoid. She soon, however, went back to her old ways and sparked another outbreak of typhoid before being imprisoned. And she did this knowing that she was an asymptomatic super spreader of typhoid. 

Imagine now the number of people you see mingling with you in public that are not properly wearing a face mask who are asymptomatic. What we have on our hands is a growing social epidemic of coronavirus super spreaders that would make Typhoid Mary proud.

After the second wave of Covid infections really gets going, instead of violence being initiated against those trying to enforce face mask usage, it’ll be against face mask violators. As fear grips the nation when people realize that the pandemic is just getting started, those that are most obviously perpetuating it will be like lightning rods for anger.

Super Spreaders

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