Thursday, May 21, 2020

COVID-19: One-way Valve Face Masks (Respirators) Are Detrimental In Our COVID Environment

One-way valve face masks may be more comfortable to wear because they allow easier exhalation than traditional masks, etcetera; but, they fall short because of the valve design which only filters air breathed in, but not breathed out [Note, also, that the force of the exhalation breath is projected further in front of the breather. It’s somewhat akin to blowing thru a straw.]. Thus, they don’t function appropriately in our COVID environment — neither in the health care setting nor or in the community. This type of face mask is now under fire for not protecting the public as it should and is now starting to be outlawed in some places.

“While valve masks outwardly appear like a technological step up from a homemade cloth or a standard surgical mask, an old fashioned cloth or surgical mask is actually superior for the COVID-19 pandemic, especially since the major reason the CDC began to recommend the universal use of masks in the community was because of asymptomatic infection and wishing to reduce the transmission from the person who is infected to others.”

What about those who insist standard masks are just too uncomfortable? It is suggested that they 'get with the program’. And if you're wearing masks just to protect yourself, that's different than the program needed to deal with this pandemic. Places like Hong Kong and Israel have proven the real value of proper universal face mask usage.

My Comment: I know how uncomfortably warm and stuffy breathing is while wearing a face mask. This is why I suggest that those people who must wear them for prolonged periods of time both search online for ‘dermatology face mask tips’ and to, also, consider buying higher quality face masks such as those that use a silk blend with cotton. Single use masks are convenient, but have their own problems.

One face mask I recommend is made in America, is antimicrobial and reusable (washable):

Related posting:
Hong Kong is an example of how to best deal with pandemic:

Fact Check on face masks:

Also, search: ‘avoid face mask skin irritation’
Example -

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