Thursday, May 14, 2020

COVID-19: Two Reasons To Wear A Face Mask

The Real Reason to Wear a Face Mask:
Research shows that even a cotton mask dramatically reduces the number of virus particles emitted from our mouths—by as much as 99 percent. This reduction provides two huge benefits. Fewer virus particles mean that people have a better chance of avoiding infection, and if they are infected, the lower viral-exposure load may give them a better chanceof contracting only a mild illness.
COVID-19 has been hard to control partly because people can infect others before they themselves display any symptoms—and even if they never develop any illness. Three recent studies show that nearly half of patients are infected by people who aren’t coughing or sneezing yet. Many people have no awareness of the risk they pose to others, because they don’t feel sick themselves, and many may never become overtly ill.

Note: Consistently and properly wearing a cloth face mask when around others not only protects them from you (if you’re pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic), it protects you by greatly decreasing the viral load that you might inhale.

[Much of the reporting on coronavirus seems to make people think infection is a quantum, complete effect like neural transmission: if a single virus particle embeds in my nasopharynx, I’m done.
No. If you are sitting praying in a church or synagogue next to hundreds of others, or at a close-set dinner party, or a psychotherapy session in a small closed room, chances are better you will be exposed to the several hundred viral particles presently postulated as needed to cause general infection.
Fortunately, what’s called our innate immune system prevents us from getting heavily infected, and if infected, ill. Otherwise, you and I would not be here...]