Sunday, December 20, 2020

Covid-19 & AGW: Misinformation Is Deadly

 “False information about the pandemic is rampant, but seasoned defenders of climate science can offer tips for how to fight it.”

Note: In my county there are 1.2 million people. The number of confirmed Covid cases stands at 45,070 as of  today (12-19-20). I calculate that to be 3.8% (.038) of the population. Considering the stats on asymptomatic, mild and under reported cases, I estimate that the actual case count to be as high as three-to-five times that, which could be almost a one-in-five ratio. Though a person doesn’t remain contagious forever, I hardly find that reassuring when I see restaurant parking lots full like I did last night when I went for curbside pick up. I’d worried that curbside spaces might be full, but there were only two other people like me there. And this, despite the fact that my county just went to stage 5 because of the post-Thanksgiving Covid jump in numbers. 

This and other observable behaviors gives me great pause when I consider the odds of our mitigating global warming. 


indoor venues are coronavirus hotspots”

“convert fractions to percentages”


“Uh-Oh...He’s got that ‘thinning the herd’ look again...”

"We have a software glitch on Earth. The smart people are full of doubts, and the stupid ones are full of confidence."

Friday, December 18, 2020

“What Did You Think Was Going To Happen?”...

 ... is a phrase my dad would occasionally bring up when me or my siblings would experience the ‘natural consequences of our actions’, but were slow to take personal responsibility for our choices involved. Since, when you are more fully cognizant of this, you begin to better appreciate the Law of Cause and Effect, the cause-and-effect chain, the stimulus-response domino effect of how the past influences the future. The degree of what you own up to ‘in the now’ establishes your learning parameters. In other words, learning life’s lessons.

Ideally, good effects reinforce the good choices you made and poor choices result in the negative reinforcement needed to diminish future similar choices (that is, if one has learned from them).

Other expressions that are helpful:

> Everybody pays the piper sooner or later (karma).

> You can’t have your cake and eat it too. 

> If you don’t change direction, you’ll wind up where you’re headed.

> Life is easier when you plow around the stumps [Note: Do remember to work on clearing them between growing seasons, and plant nuts from special trees where you want windbreaks and wildlife to thrive for your descendants to enjoy. In other words, self-improvement is an ongoing process.]

Do take the time to self monitor occasionally and ask yourself, “What will happen if....” as based upon past learning experiences and observations of the experiences of others. Be not overly harsh with yourself or others. Allow yourself to appreciate the irony and the entertainment value in what you observe about yourself and others.

For example: 

> when the headlines are about people testing positive for Covid who have heckled those of us who value the use of face masks, I think, “Hmmm, what did they think would happen...”

> what do we think will happen if we don’t control our borders and pass ‘Medicare for all’ at the same time...

> what do we think will happen if we don’t mitigate global warming...

> when Katrina swamped New Orleans and interviews of those flooded out revealed that many did not realize they were living ‘below sea level’, I asked myself, “Why didn’t they know?” Then I ask myself what is it in life that I don’t know, and “why don’t I know”?

Related reading:


Saturday, December 12, 2020

AGW: The First Photosynthesizers Caused ‘Snowball Earth’

During Earth’s early geologic history, even long after the crust had cooled, the environment was torrid (despite the sun being weaker than it is now) due to very high levels of methane and carbon dioxide. However, Cyanobacteria eventually evolved, became prolific, and thru photosynthesis began consuming carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen (which had not existed as a free gas in the biosphere previously). This oxygen reacted with the methane to yield carbon dioxide which was a much less powerful greenhouse gas, while simultaneously the global exposure of silicate rocks to weathering produces calcium carbonate which removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere — and these processes repeated themselves on and on until the greenhouse gas levels were so low that not enough thermal radiation could be trapped to keep the planet from freezing solid into Snowball Earth. Eventually, however, an ‘oxygen carbon dioxide biochemical cycle’ stabilized the greenhouse effect and an ozone layer was established, thus plant and animal life evolution became possible.

Recap: Photosynthesis releases oxygen that then reacts with methane which yields carbon dioxide that then fuels more photosynthesis which releases more oxygen that then breaks down more methane, ad infinitum... 

Meanwhile, exposure of silicate rocks to weathering produces calcium carbonate which removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere....

Thus, an atmosphere once laden with methane and carbon dioxide is almost totally replaced with oxygen (which is not a greenhouse gas).

Photosynthesis = Sunlight + 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Cyanobacteria are ‘oxygenic photosynthetic bacteria’. They harvest the sun's energy, absorb carbon dioxide, and emit oxygen. Like plants and algae, cyanobacteria contain chlorophyll and convert carbon dioxide and water into sugar through carbon fixation.

Video showing the beginnings of how and when photosynthesis first became established:

Video about resulting Snowball Earth:

Related posting:

Related search parameters:

‘anaerobic aerobic bacteria early earth’

‘early earth photosynthesizing microbes’

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

AGW: More Higher Order Thinking Skills Needed

Though I’m baffled by those who do not appreciate the level of danger that life upon this planet is facing from ‘anthropogenic global warming’, I’m almost envious of their blissful unawareness of the inevitable consequence that the escalating levels of greenhouse gases holds in store for us. Up until now, the muted extinction levels of plant and animal species from human overpopulation has been from varied environmental stressors such as pestilence, environmental degradation, resource depletion, food shortages, threats of war, etcetera; but now, AGW will eventually trump them all. Our global biosphere is already so clogged with problems that there will be no livable solution. And to think: it’s all due to our general inability to comprehend the 8th grade science of the greenhouse effect.

Note: “If it were not for greenhouse gases, Infrared Radiation (heat) would freely escape thru the atmosphere and into space resulting in a planet frozen solid.”

Note: Einstein is thus quoted:

"a new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move to higher levels." 

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

AGW: When Too Much or Too Little Of A Good Thing (CO2) Is Not Good

 “If it were not for greenhouse gases, Infrared Radiation (heat) would freely escape thru the atmosphere and into space resulting in a planet frozen solid.”

The above statement can be used as an online search request for whenever someone wants to independently gain a better understanding of global warming and cooling. To receive the most pertinent results, use DuckDuckGo privacy browser. 

Snowball Earth — In Earth’s early history, global temperatures were very high for a very long time despite the sun being dimmer than it is today. This was due to the ‘greenhouse effect’ being strengthened by very high levels of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. At this time, no oxygen existed in the atmosphere and only simple anaerobic life forms existed; but, Cyanobacteria evolved and photosynthesis began releasing oxygen which breaks down methane (which is 30x more potent than CO2) into carbon dioxide. The weathering of fresh basaltic surfaces from tectonic plate rifting then drastically reduced the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Eventually, methane and carbon dioxide levels were reduced to such low levels that the Earth’s surface was frozen solid for over a hundred million years. 
‘Cyanobacteria Snowball Earth’

Hothouse Earth — Then about 250 million years ago, a “large igneous province” (LIP) in Siberia erupted huge and greatly prolonged volcanic basaltic flows for over two million years and dumped so much CO2 into the biosphere that the oceans acidified and atmospheric temperatures soared causing an extinction event called The Great Dying. Other LIPs occurred later causing CO2 levels and temperatures to again spike and, thus, induce other extinction level events.
‘large igneous provinces + extinction events’

Related postings:

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

AGW: Global Warming Stronger Than Milankovitch Cycle

Global Temperatures During Last 11,000 Years

When you look at the global temperatures for the past eleven thousand years, you can see that temperatures had been steadily decreasing for the past several thousand years until we started started burning fossil fuels to power the Industrial Revolution. The Milankovitch Cycle, that says we should be at the start of a new ice age, is being thwarted by mankind’s activities. This sounds as though it might not be so bad — until you realize that ‘anthropogenic global warming’ is taking us to new interglacial temperature heights and beyond despite the fact that it’s having to counteract both the Milankovitch Cycle and a Solar Minimum in order to do so. Meanwhile, atmospheric greenhouse gas levels keep increasing despite the oceans having been soaking up most of them; but, as ocean temperatures increase, they’ll be able to absorb less and less and will eventually start off gassing after methane releases from ocean hydrates and permafrost become dramatically more noticeable. 

Note: There’s little need to draw a timeline for any of this. There are too many variables for that. Besides, we’ve known all of this all along and we’re still ‘dragging our feet’ as far as proactive measures are concerned.

Milankovitch Cycles:

Solar Minimums:

Related posting —

“Helping Someone to Understand Global Warming”

Friday, November 27, 2020

AGW: Helping Someone To Better Understand Global Warming

Here’s a statement that you can set aside for whenever someone wants to independently gain a better understanding of global warming. All they have to do is use it as their search request to yield very appropriate and pertinent results. [Note that DuckDuckGo privacy browser will give the best results, at least in this particular case.]

“If it were not for greenhouse gases, Infrared Radiation (heat) would freely escape thru the atmosphere and into space resulting in a planet frozen solid.”

Note: The related topic of global warming is dealt with in a very proactive manner on the YouTube channel “Just Have A Think”.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

AGW: Yes, Water Vapor Is The Predominant Greenhouse Gas, but...

Water vapor is the predominant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and mostly maintains the planet’s temperature; however, as carbon dioxide, methane and other non-condensable greenhouse gases are added, this further amplifies the greenhouse effect and raises temperatures further. Besides increasing evaporation rates, the warmer air is able to hold additional water vapor (a condensable greenhouse gas). Warmer temperatures, also, ramps up the rate at which permafrost and oceanic hydrates melt, thus releasing more and more ‘methane’. This further amplifies the greenhouse effect and, thus, increases temperatures that again, in turn, causes increased levels of evaporation and melting. The even warmer atmosphere can now hold even more water vapor, which, of course, is a greenhouse gas... repeat... repeat...

Note: To read about what happens when greenhouse gas levels are decreased to abnormally low levels, search:
‘Snowball Earth + cyanobacteria’

Related links:

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Global Warming & Covid Pandemic: Fear, Denial and Anger

 If we cannot even successfully implement simple universal face mask protocols to control the rapid spread of the increasingly contagious Covid virus, then what chance do we have in stemming the progression of global warming? Can we act in our own best interests, or has fear has generated such a strong ‘us vs them’ tribal response in ourselves that rational cooperation is unlikely? How much has our innate survival instinct been co-opted by fear and its allies, denial and anger.

Anger and hatred makes one feel stronger and is but a temporary antidote to feeling fearful and weak. It’s what ‘moves in and takes over’ when denial isn’t enough by itself to assuage one’s fears. But the reality of the danger keeps ‘rearing its ugly head’ and the ever increasing levels of angst and the resultant anger ‘boils over’ into overt displays.

Example: Global warming calls for the curtailing of fossil fuel consumption & the Covid pandemic requires the implementation of public health protocols to combat the Covid virus.  Both of these issues are resisted by rigid thinkers. Denial of the source of these dangers in order to ‘combat fear’ actually winds up increasing the dangers. This further increases fear levels, which then ramps up denial, which results in even more danger. The vicious cycle continues until a ‘shit storm’ finally manifests. And when two or more such storms merge and become one, a ‘perfect storm’ ensues, such as the Summer 2020 riots which resulted from the combined angst concerning global warming, the Covid pandemic and a host of social issues (e.g.. policing problems). And this is just one spiral in a building global storm.

Example of denial:
“...a registered emergency room nurse from South Dakota, told folks online about patients who test positive and still deny that COVID is what's making them so ill...”


Monday, November 9, 2020

Innate Source of All Discord, Polarization and Conflict

 The world is experiencing discord, polarization and conflict in a preponderance of magnified tribalism at all levels. The ‘us vs them’ mentality is innate in the human psyche. True spiritual enlightenment (not religion), however, frees one from the shackles of dogma and ideology so that cooperation between peoples (discussing the pros and cons) can outweigh competition and bring Truth and Justice to the fore. The Law of Harmony and the Absolute Law of Cause and Effect are Cosmic Spiritual Laws that take precedence. 

One aspect of the following video shows that human group conflict is a reflection of the inner conflicts of the very individuals that comprise these groups.

If you’re short on time, then start listening at the 37 minute mark. You can either go back to the beginning or start at the beginning if time allows for a very special discourse elucidating the opposite of discord and conflict:

“What the Ascended Masters Are and Are Not”

Friday, November 6, 2020

The Interplay of Infrared Radiation and Quantum Mechanics Explains the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming

CO2/methane and the greenhouse effect has kept Earth from freezing into a solid ball of ice for billions of years. 

Paleogeology shows us that when carbon dioxide levels were suddenly ramped up to the extent that it couldn’t have been induced by the Milankovitch cycle, then dramatic global temperature increases followed. When CO2/methane levels were abnormally low, the Snowball Earth conditions prevailed.

The why of how CO2 is the driving force of the Greenhouse Effect is fascinating and involves quantum mechanics. The following video explains it quite well. Note that I’ve posted its transcript as well.

“How Quantum Mechanics Explains the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming” (5 min.):
[with transcript / simply click on ‘Transcript offering:
“You have probably heard that carbon dioxide is warming the Earth, but how does it work? Is it like the glass of a greenhouse or like an insulating blanket? Well, not entirely. The answer involves a bit of quantum mechanics, but don’t worry, we’ll start with a rainbow.

If you look closely at sunlight separated through a prism, you will see dark gaps where bands of color went missing. Where did they go? Before reaching our eyes, different gases absorbed those specific parts of the spectrum. For example, oxygen gas snatched up some of the dark red light and sodium grabbed two bands of yellow.

But why do these gases absorb specific colors of light? This is where we enter the quantum realm. Every atom and molecule has a set number of possible energy levels for its electrons. To shift its electrons from the ground state to a higher level, a molecule needs to gain a certain amount of energy. No more, no less. It gets that energy from light, which comes in more energy levels than you could count.

Light consists of tiny particles called photons and the amount of energy in each photon corresponds to its color. Red light has lower energy and longer wavelengths. Purple light has higher energy and shorter wavelengths. Sunlight offers all the photons of the rainbow, so a gas molecule can choose the photons that carry the exact amount of energy needed to shift the molecule to its next energy level.

When this match is made, the photon disappears as the molecule gains its energy and we get a small gap in our rainbow. If a photon carries too much or too little energy, the molecule has no choice but to let it fly past. This is why glass is transparent. The atoms in glass do not pair well with any of the energy levels in visible light, so the photons pass through.

So, which photons does carbon dioxide prefer? Where is the black line in our rainbow that explains global warming? Well, it’s not there. Carbon dioxide doesn’t absorb light directly from the Sun. It absorbs light from a totally different celestial body. One that doesn’t appear to be emitting light at all Earth.

If you are wondering why our planet doesn’t seem to be glowing, it’s because the Earth doesn’t emit visible light. It emits infrared light. The light that our eyes can see, including all of the colors of the rainbow, is just a small part of the larger spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, which includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays and gamma rays.

It may seem strange to think of these things as light, but there is no fundamental difference between visible light and other electromagnetic radiation. It’s the same energy, but at a higher or lower level. In fact, it’s a bit presumptuous to define the term visible light by our own limitations. After all, infrared light is visible to snakes and ultraviolet light is visible to birds. If our eyes were adapted to see light of 1900 megahertz, then a mobile phone would be a flashlight, and a cell phone tower would look like a huge lantern.

Earth emits infrared radiation because every object with a temperature above absolute zero will emit light. This is called thermal radiation. The hotter an object gets, the higher frequency the light it emits. When you heat a piece of iron, it will emit more and more frequencies of infrared light, and then, at a temperature of around 450 degrees Celsius, its light will reach the visible spectrum.

At first, it will look red hot. And with even more heat, it will glow white with all of the frequencies of visible light. This is how traditional light bulbs were designed to work and that’s why they are so wasteful. 95% of the light they emit is invisible to our eyes. It’s wasted as heat. 

Earth’s infrared radiation would escape to space if there weren’t greenhouse gas molecules in our atmosphere. Just as oxygen gas prefers the dark red photons, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases match with infrared photons. They provide the right amount of energy to shift the gas molecules into their higher energy level.

Shortly after a carbon dioxide molecule absorbs an infrared photon, it will fall back to its previous energy level and spit a photon back out in a random direction. Some of that energy then returns to Earth’s surface, causing warming.
The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more likely that infrared photons will land back on Earth and change our climate.”

Related article:
“The Greenhouse Effect Explained in Simple Terms”:

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Gems from the Ascended Master Teachings

This link offers many items such as the following examples. Simply click on the title next to the purplish icon of each “gem” for the expanded and complete transcription:

The Law of the Circle:
"When one wishes to give way to his own feeling of resistance rather than still that feeling and replace it by Peace, he destroys himself - mind, body and world - because the Law is that whatever discordant thought and feeling is sent forth by a human being, it must first vibrate through the brain and body of the sender before it can reach into the rest of the Universe. After swinging out, it begins the return journey to its creator. While coming back, it gathers more of its kind, and that becomes the accretion of which the individual's world is composed. This is The Law, and it is Immutable. . . . "

Realize the Individualized Presence of God as Your True Identity by the Beloved Maha Chohan:
"The more you realize the Individualized Presence of God as your True Identity, the greater awareness you will have of the Consciousness of God at work, both by a hand unseen in far-off worlds and ever close at hand. This God Consciousness may remain somewhat imperceptible in your own life until you awaken your Heart Flame to expand, accelerate, and grasp the True Nature of that God Reality, Divine Genius, and True Wisdom that abides within you even now."

‘The Ascension’ by The Ascended Masters of Wisdom
Hilarion: "After countless centuries of bondage, you can well image the Joy that is experienced when the fetters of Earth, the limitations of the flesh, and the veil of forgetfulness are once and for all re­moved from the lifestream."

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

When Troubled, Ask Yourself, “What If Nothing’s Wrong”?

 If you find yourself tangled in a web of worry and angst, take a moment and ask yourself, “What if there’s nothing wrong”. Do so several times. You’ll likely find a brief moment where the angst dissipates a bit. Reflect and expand upon that brief moment.

Consider that all-in-all, all things considered, all constants and variables factored in, the Uni•Verse is in order.

This is a glimpse into the Reality that there is ‘Justice in the Universe’. That, though ‘in the beginning the end was known’, what comes in the space between the beginning and the end involves an interplay of human free will with Cosmic Law that yields the Law of Cause and Effect aka Karma. So, do what’s right and set the rest aside. Build good karma.

I had the idea for this posting after listening to the video “What if there’s nothing wrong with you?” (13 min.):

Also consider the possibility that the moment of clarity you experienced (in the first paragraph) is simply telling you that you’ve conjured up most of what you feel angst about.

Related posting:
“Three Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts”—

Monday, October 12, 2020

Three Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts

Three questions that silence negative thoughts:

“What are my thoughts?
Are my thoughts useful? 
How do they behave?”

These are very practical and effective because they neither encourage judgement of self or of others 
(fear and judgement are destructive).

Video: “Two Easily Remembered Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts” (13 min.) —

Note: As God’s Light comes to you thru your Crystal Cord, it passes thru your memory, mental, emotional and physical body where it is ‘qualified’ — manifesting in the outer world as such. If that God energy is misqualified by our misconceptions, irrationalities, negativities, fear, anger, et al., then that is what manifests. 

Related posting:

Monday, October 5, 2020

COVID-19: Witlessness Is No Excuse

 People who have Covid-19 can still spread the virus before they show symptoms (pre-symptomatic spread) or if they don’t develop symptoms (asymptomatic spread).

‘Asymptomatic’ doesn’t mean you don’t have it & can’t transmit it. 
If you are dosed with a minimal viral load, a healthy person will likely be asymptomatic. If, during the window of infectiousness, they then provide a good dose to someone who’s obese, elderly, etcetera, then this can cause unmitigated suffering. Being an unwitting spreader doesn’t make one innocent.

Addendum: If you think that Covid’s a ‘joke’ and that global warming is a ‘hoax’, you’d better check your rear view mirror’, because karma is coming up on us all faster than we think. Any people that you infect and then suffer lasting effects are burdened by you. And any Latter Day suffering because you helped thwart efforts to mitigate global warming has group karmic effects. And, if you think that not being consciously aware of your share any of the suffering that you’ve contributed to is a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card, then you’re in for a big surprise later on when you finally meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

In short, there is no ‘witless protection program’.


Denial: AGW & Covid

 The denial of the necessity for consistently wearing face masks is fear based. It is a defense mechanism that allows someone to continue functioning in the face of a scary reality. To the degree that simple denial isn’t enough to assuage one’s fear, anger is added.

The denial of enhanced global warming is fear based. It is a defense mechanism that allows someone to continue functioning in the face of a terrifying reality. To the degree that simple denial isn’t enough to placate one’s fear, anger is added.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Medicare-for-All vs Border Control

 Medicare-for-all without strict immigration control is the formula for disaster. In the early 70s, I was working for the Texas welfare department as a financial services caseworker when California was dramatically increasing their welfare benefits. This led to an exodus of welfare recipients to California from many states to take advantage of the situation. Now, if we don’t adequately protect our borders and, also, pass Medicare-for-all legislation, we won’t have to wait for climate change to send a flood of immigrants our way. And if you think a border wall is the solution, then you ought to search: ‘Europe's most fortified border is in Africa’. [Anything less than an Iron Curtain like the Berlin Wall all along its entire length would be ineffective in troubled times, thus an effective wall is not feasible.] 

Meanwhile, though partisan politics may be entertaining, it’s time for the debating of the pros and cons of critical issues to take on at least the pretense of bipartisanship  — though I’m reminded of the admonition, ”bipartisanship usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out”.

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Time for Peace Is Now: Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Is Within You

 “The time has come for Peace. We have had the Prince of Peace. We have had Beloved Ghandi bringing Peace. We have had many world leaders espousing Peace. But the real responsibility for Peace lies with you.

The Prince of Peace said, "Peace, be still!" and calmed the waters. Now ‘you’ must say "Peace, be still!" and calm your own emotional body. It must be as quiet as a calm lake on a still day. This calm is necessary, for the solar plexus and the feeling world are by nature energy-in-motion. In order to manifest the Purity of all you would have come to pass, this e-motion must be clear as a still, crystalline pool reflecting the Purity of God, reflecting His pure Energy-In-Motion. Otherwise discord, anxiety or any disturbance in the solar plexus chakra will taint the outcome of your creation and the quality of your life experience. When this self mastery is once and for all accomplished, you shall gaze into your own purified feeling world and see reflected there the clear outpicturing of your own God vision...”

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

El Morya: “This Is the Work at Hand”

 “...throughout the nations there are those who have not heard the Word of God. They have not perceived the impetus of God Good; and thus, they continue to create havoc for the Sons and Daughters of God who would otherwise be exhibiting more of their Christhood and would be galvanized to the Heart of that Will of God.

You, blessed ones, who attend my voice, my Flame, and my Consciousness in the full Regalia of the Will of God, streaming forth from the Heart of God, The One...”


El Morya is an Ascended Master:

I’ve made two other postings of El Morya:

There’s a movie, ”Jodhaa Akbar”, about one of El Morya’s embodiments:

Saturday, September 12, 2020

3 Relevant Truths

 3 relevant truths:

> the Covid virus is highly contagious
> CO2 is a greenhouse gas
> every human has a soul/spirit. 
Note: Denial is not a viable option.

Comment regarding Covid:
‘Asymptomatic’ doesn’t mean you don’t have it & can’t transmit it. 
If dosed with a minimal viral load, a healthy person will likely be asymptomatic. If, during the window of infectiousness, they then provide a good dose to someone who’s obese, elderly, etcetera, then this will cause unnecessary suffering. Being an unwitting spreader doesn’t make one innocent.

Comment on “greenhouse effect”:
Our planet would be a solid ball of ice if it weren’t for the greenhouse effect.

Comment about spirituality:
The importance of accepting one’s own divine origin speaks for itself.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

 Even in the best of times, there are varying segments of the world’s populations living on the knife’s edge of disaster. Othertimes, the danger is shared by all life forms upon the planet — whether it’s man made, natural and/or a combination thereof. The angst, thusly generated, is felt and becomes an energy form that feeds into the underbelly of the astral plane in which most of us are all too thoroughly immersed. 

In any event, the best course of action is to just ‘get on with life’ while realizing that the major source of our problems is our misconceptions, false images, hostilities, negativities, irrationalities, fearfulness, arrogance, cruelty, et al, and that we need  to change our thinking, change our ways, change our direction — otherwise, we’ll wind up exactly where we’re headed. 

This will require increased enlightenment for mankind — especially those in leadership positions. In order for this to happen, we need to individually each raise our levels of consciousness which requires that levels of gossip, cruelty, superstition, et al, be drastically reduced. Additionally, we need to quit feeding our attention into false narratives that are designed to titillate  our negative emotions. Instead, focus your attention on those things both big and little in our personal lives that we have some measure of control and influence over. 

No one is an island and everything is connected. You’re either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. Don’t spend too much time trying to right past wrongs — instead, envision a better future and move in that direction.

[“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…”]

Note: Part of the reason that I like studying ‘his’tory (of mankind) is knowing my ancestors survived it. Another reason is figuring out my own survival strategies. Each person must do this for themselves, beginning here and now by dissolving their weaknesses and strengthening their God good qualities...

The 3 Hurtful Sins of Gossip, Cruelty and Superstition:

‘samslair blogspot spirituality’

Saturday, August 29, 2020

AGW: An Innocent Question About Trees Shines Light on the Carbon Cycle and Climate Change

 Early in life, I began wondering that since very little of a tree is left behind as solid residue when it’s burned, how is it that the bulk of a tree’s mass is vaporized? 

In that question lies an answer:

To begin with, half of the mass of wood is carbon that, when burned, combines with atmospheric oxygen and is released as carbon dioxide (CO2): a unit of carbon combines with two of oxygen. Since the mass of oxygen weighs more than three times as much as carbon, burning just two pounds of wood yields over eight pounds of CO2.
[1 pound carbon + 3.6 pounds oxygen + 3.6 pounds oxygen = 8.2 pounds of carbon dioxide]

Note: Trees, as they grow, re-absorb carbon dioxide from the air; but, with increasing deforestation, desertification, soil degradation, et al, CO2 levels in the biosphere are increasing (especially when you factor in the burning of stupendous amounts of previously sequestered carbon in the form of fossil fuels).

This strengthens the greenhouse effect and results in a steadily warming planet. And with each and every year being warmer than the years before, only the blissfully ignorant and the hopelessly naive can fail to see what the future holds.

‘carbon cycle global warming’

“Greenhouse Effect” Physics- 
62 part series.

‘samslair blogspot AGW’

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Internationally Renowned Melody, “A Million Red Roses” (14 videos):

The melody for “A Million Roses” with varying lyrics has been an international favorite for forty years. Its haunting melody lends itself well to the subject of unconditional love.

‘Ko Woo-rim’ sings “One Million Roses” from the overwhelmingly superlative Korean drama ‘My Mister’ (with lyrics):

English lyrics:

Kim Donguk, “One Million Roses”
(with English script):

In this latest version of the song, the forlorn one has incarnated on Earth from the love star and can only return home when he has engendered enough love to cause a million roses of love to bloom. This means loving unconditionally without tainting the heart with hatred. It means fully accepting the love of others as well. And it means loving those that have either moved on or passed on. 

[Key refrain that is repeated:

“Without any heart of hatred,

When you can love unconditionally,

One million flowers will bloom,

Then I can return to my beautiful star.”]

"The Love from Whence You Proceed — ...The secret love star is constantly pouring throughout the whole atmosphere of Earth, and into the structure of Earth itself, great Rivers of Life — the Love, the Life, the Substance, the Harmony, the Supply, the Miracles, and the Blessings, and which are the Outpouring from the secret love star...”

To listen to the music without vocalization:

“Million Roses” as performed in Korean drama, ‘I Am Legend’ (with similar lyrics):

“Yoon Ha” sings “One Million Roses”:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“A Million Roses” with original lyrics from forty years ago:

The original version of the song says —

“There lived an artist alone who sold his paintings and home

And left his palettes behind for this one purpose alone. 

This famous actress he loved only red flowers preferred, 

So for his money he bought one million roses for her. 

Anywhere, anywhere, anywhere, she could turn, 

Everything in the square down below blooming red. 

Those in love, those in love, those in love, she would learn, 

Gladly leave things behind for a glance instead.

Early next day she did rise hardly believing her eyes -- 

One million roses below under the blue morning skies.

She thought that gift must have come from some unknown tycoon 

Leaving the artist alone standing there all afternoon.

Anywhere, anywhere, anywhere, she could turn, 

Everything in the square down below blooming red. 

Those in love, those in love, those in love, she would learn, 

Gladly leave things behind for a glance instead.

Only a minute she spared for his enormous bouquet. 

After a late show that night she left for good on a train.

There stayed the artist alone, poor and completely forlorn, 

But he would never regret the city with roses adorned. 

Anywhere, anywhere, anywhere, she could turn, 

Everything in the square down below blooming red. 

Those in love, those in love, those in love, she would learn, 

Gladly leave things behind for a glance instead.”

“Million Scarlet Roses” (English lyrics) Alla Pugacheva:

“A Million Roses” by Korean traditional music group (triplet sisters) ‘Infinity of Sound’:

Lyrics in English:

“Farangis” sings ‘Goule Rose’:

Magyar Rózsa sings “A Million Roses”:

Ququş; Melyon qole roz (qızıl gül):

“One Million Roses” (original Russian version):

Ichigo Tanuki sings “Million Scarlet Roses”:

‘Dominique Muasen’ turns “A Million Roses” of Raymond Pauls into the most classic French chanson (find French lyrics in video’s description).

Is a fun one to watch and listen to:

“Million Scarlet Roses” — 

Igor Presnyakov renders melody via guitar only:

Instrumental / Francis Goya

Watch freestyle dancing:

Note: There are many more videos if you search “A Million Roses” or “A Million Scarlet Red Roses”. The above, however, is a fairly good sampling.
