Sunday, October 25, 2020

Gems from the Ascended Master Teachings

This link offers many items such as the following examples. Simply click on the title next to the purplish icon of each “gem” for the expanded and complete transcription:

The Law of the Circle:
"When one wishes to give way to his own feeling of resistance rather than still that feeling and replace it by Peace, he destroys himself - mind, body and world - because the Law is that whatever discordant thought and feeling is sent forth by a human being, it must first vibrate through the brain and body of the sender before it can reach into the rest of the Universe. After swinging out, it begins the return journey to its creator. While coming back, it gathers more of its kind, and that becomes the accretion of which the individual's world is composed. This is The Law, and it is Immutable. . . . "

Realize the Individualized Presence of God as Your True Identity by the Beloved Maha Chohan:
"The more you realize the Individualized Presence of God as your True Identity, the greater awareness you will have of the Consciousness of God at work, both by a hand unseen in far-off worlds and ever close at hand. This God Consciousness may remain somewhat imperceptible in your own life until you awaken your Heart Flame to expand, accelerate, and grasp the True Nature of that God Reality, Divine Genius, and True Wisdom that abides within you even now."

‘The Ascension’ by The Ascended Masters of Wisdom
Hilarion: "After countless centuries of bondage, you can well image the Joy that is experienced when the fetters of Earth, the limitations of the flesh, and the veil of forgetfulness are once and for all re­moved from the lifestream."

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

When Troubled, Ask Yourself, “What If Nothing’s Wrong”?

 If you find yourself tangled in a web of worry and angst, take a moment and ask yourself, “What if there’s nothing wrong”. Do so several times. You’ll likely find a brief moment where the angst dissipates a bit. Reflect and expand upon that brief moment.

Consider that all-in-all, all things considered, all constants and variables factored in, the Uni•Verse is in order.

This is a glimpse into the Reality that there is ‘Justice in the Universe’. That, though ‘in the beginning the end was known’, what comes in the space between the beginning and the end involves an interplay of human free will with Cosmic Law that yields the Law of Cause and Effect aka Karma. So, do what’s right and set the rest aside. Build good karma.

I had the idea for this posting after listening to the video “What if there’s nothing wrong with you?” (13 min.):

Also consider the possibility that the moment of clarity you experienced (in the first paragraph) is simply telling you that you’ve conjured up most of what you feel angst about.

Related posting:
“Three Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts”—

Monday, October 12, 2020

Three Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts

Three questions that silence negative thoughts:

“What are my thoughts?
Are my thoughts useful? 
How do they behave?”

These are very practical and effective because they neither encourage judgement of self or of others 
(fear and judgement are destructive).

Video: “Two Easily Remembered Questions That Silence Negative Thoughts” (13 min.) —

Note: As God’s Light comes to you thru your Crystal Cord, it passes thru your memory, mental, emotional and physical body where it is ‘qualified’ — manifesting in the outer world as such. If that God energy is misqualified by our misconceptions, irrationalities, negativities, fear, anger, et al., then that is what manifests. 

Related posting:

Monday, October 5, 2020

COVID-19: Witlessness Is No Excuse

 People who have Covid-19 can still spread the virus before they show symptoms (pre-symptomatic spread) or if they don’t develop symptoms (asymptomatic spread).

‘Asymptomatic’ doesn’t mean you don’t have it & can’t transmit it. 
If you are dosed with a minimal viral load, a healthy person will likely be asymptomatic. If, during the window of infectiousness, they then provide a good dose to someone who’s obese, elderly, etcetera, then this can cause unmitigated suffering. Being an unwitting spreader doesn’t make one innocent.

Addendum: If you think that Covid’s a ‘joke’ and that global warming is a ‘hoax’, you’d better check your rear view mirror’, because karma is coming up on us all faster than we think. Any people that you infect and then suffer lasting effects are burdened by you. And any Latter Day suffering because you helped thwart efforts to mitigate global warming has group karmic effects. And, if you think that not being consciously aware of your share any of the suffering that you’ve contributed to is a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card, then you’re in for a big surprise later on when you finally meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

In short, there is no ‘witless protection program’.


Denial: AGW & Covid

 The denial of the necessity for consistently wearing face masks is fear based. It is a defense mechanism that allows someone to continue functioning in the face of a scary reality. To the degree that simple denial isn’t enough to assuage one’s fear, anger is added.

The denial of enhanced global warming is fear based. It is a defense mechanism that allows someone to continue functioning in the face of a terrifying reality. To the degree that simple denial isn’t enough to placate one’s fear, anger is added.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Medicare-for-All vs Border Control

 Medicare-for-all without strict immigration control is the formula for disaster. In the early 70s, I was working for the Texas welfare department as a financial services caseworker when California was dramatically increasing their welfare benefits. This led to an exodus of welfare recipients to California from many states to take advantage of the situation. Now, if we don’t adequately protect our borders and, also, pass Medicare-for-all legislation, we won’t have to wait for climate change to send a flood of immigrants our way. And if you think a border wall is the solution, then you ought to search: ‘Europe's most fortified border is in Africa’. [Anything less than an Iron Curtain like the Berlin Wall all along its entire length would be ineffective in troubled times, thus an effective wall is not feasible.] 

Meanwhile, though partisan politics may be entertaining, it’s time for the debating of the pros and cons of critical issues to take on at least the pretense of bipartisanship  — though I’m reminded of the admonition, ”bipartisanship usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out”.