Wednesday, September 30, 2020

The Time for Peace Is Now: Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Is Within You

 “The time has come for Peace. We have had the Prince of Peace. We have had Beloved Ghandi bringing Peace. We have had many world leaders espousing Peace. But the real responsibility for Peace lies with you.

The Prince of Peace said, "Peace, be still!" and calmed the waters. Now ‘you’ must say "Peace, be still!" and calm your own emotional body. It must be as quiet as a calm lake on a still day. This calm is necessary, for the solar plexus and the feeling world are by nature energy-in-motion. In order to manifest the Purity of all you would have come to pass, this e-motion must be clear as a still, crystalline pool reflecting the Purity of God, reflecting His pure Energy-In-Motion. Otherwise discord, anxiety or any disturbance in the solar plexus chakra will taint the outcome of your creation and the quality of your life experience. When this self mastery is once and for all accomplished, you shall gaze into your own purified feeling world and see reflected there the clear outpicturing of your own God vision...”

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

El Morya: “This Is the Work at Hand”

 “...throughout the nations there are those who have not heard the Word of God. They have not perceived the impetus of God Good; and thus, they continue to create havoc for the Sons and Daughters of God who would otherwise be exhibiting more of their Christhood and would be galvanized to the Heart of that Will of God.

You, blessed ones, who attend my voice, my Flame, and my Consciousness in the full Regalia of the Will of God, streaming forth from the Heart of God, The One...”


El Morya is an Ascended Master:

I’ve made two other postings of El Morya:

There’s a movie, ”Jodhaa Akbar”, about one of El Morya’s embodiments:

Saturday, September 12, 2020

3 Relevant Truths

 3 relevant truths:

> the Covid virus is highly contagious
> CO2 is a greenhouse gas
> every human has a soul/spirit. 
Note: Denial is not a viable option.

Comment regarding Covid:
‘Asymptomatic’ doesn’t mean you don’t have it & can’t transmit it. 
If dosed with a minimal viral load, a healthy person will likely be asymptomatic. If, during the window of infectiousness, they then provide a good dose to someone who’s obese, elderly, etcetera, then this will cause unnecessary suffering. Being an unwitting spreader doesn’t make one innocent.

Comment on “greenhouse effect”:
Our planet would be a solid ball of ice if it weren’t for the greenhouse effect.

Comment about spirituality:
The importance of accepting one’s own divine origin speaks for itself.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

 Even in the best of times, there are varying segments of the world’s populations living on the knife’s edge of disaster. Othertimes, the danger is shared by all life forms upon the planet — whether it’s man made, natural and/or a combination thereof. The angst, thusly generated, is felt and becomes an energy form that feeds into the underbelly of the astral plane in which most of us are all too thoroughly immersed. 

In any event, the best course of action is to just ‘get on with life’ while realizing that the major source of our problems is our misconceptions, false images, hostilities, negativities, irrationalities, fearfulness, arrogance, cruelty, et al, and that we need  to change our thinking, change our ways, change our direction — otherwise, we’ll wind up exactly where we’re headed. 

This will require increased enlightenment for mankind — especially those in leadership positions. In order for this to happen, we need to individually each raise our levels of consciousness which requires that levels of gossip, cruelty, superstition, et al, be drastically reduced. Additionally, we need to quit feeding our attention into false narratives that are designed to titillate  our negative emotions. Instead, focus your attention on those things both big and little in our personal lives that we have some measure of control and influence over. 

No one is an island and everything is connected. You’re either a part of the solution or a part of the problem. Don’t spend too much time trying to right past wrongs — instead, envision a better future and move in that direction.

[“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…”]

Note: Part of the reason that I like studying ‘his’tory (of mankind) is knowing my ancestors survived it. Another reason is figuring out my own survival strategies. Each person must do this for themselves, beginning here and now by dissolving their weaknesses and strengthening their God good qualities...

The 3 Hurtful Sins of Gossip, Cruelty and Superstition:

‘samslair blogspot spirituality’