Thursday, May 30, 2019

Seek Harmony From Within

In your ‘heart-of-hearts’, burns the Threefold Flame which is God’s I AM Presence seeking to blaze forth into your world as the Word:

“There is so little Ascended Master Consciousness in the world that there are few points of reference.  The Masters give their own Consciousness and Light so that permanent progress can be made by the students.  When Ascended Master Consciousness is allowed to soak into the mind, the mind becomes peaceful and begins to pour forth perfect thoughtforms of the future. In the feeling world, Harmony is re-established; and in the physical, an Electronic Circle of Purity and Perfection is established. How can a lifestream who has had the sublime attunement with their Presence be satisfied with lesser expressions of life? Individuals are either moving toward realization of their Presence or moving away from it. The purpose of life is to raise up a new Ascended Master, a Divine Individuality intended to go on and on through eternity.  Every lifestream must be able to sustain Harmony in their feelings, Perfection in their mind, right action and right speech, and to become the upraised bridge for the Christ and Electronic Body. In order for this to happen, the Presence must have the attention of the outer self, and no other god must come in between. Climb to your own Presence and hold to that attunement.”

“Be Always Moving Toward Your Presence” (1 hour 20 minutes):