Friday, November 16, 2018

The Greenhouse Effect Is Really More Of A Blanketing Effect

In the end, our future will have been largely determined by mankind’s ability to fully comprehend the science that says higher energy visible light transfers some of its energy to whatever it strikes and that converts to heat and is radiated outward into the atmosphere where the larger molecules such as water, CO2, methane and nitrous oxide absorb and reradiate it, thus creating a blanket effect we erroneously call the greenhouse effect.

Do Polar Vortices Mean An End To The Notion Of Global Warming?

As we experience cold winter weather, the angst about global warming slightly eases. Never mind the fact that winter storms in Alaska are 20+ degrees Fahrenheit above average. After all, when those temperature readings are 30 below zero, who can feel the difference?

Global Warming: About Polar Vortices

Does Polar Vortex Mean 'So Much for Global Warming’?

Climate Change In Alaska

Nerdy attempt at humor:

Too cold to snow?:

Milankovitch Cycles and the Greenhouse Effect

No one can rationally say that the world’s average temperatures have NOT demonstrably begun to increase. Some believe this warming is caused by the Milankovitch cycle — however, the scientist, Milankovitch, had predicted global cooling. His peers pointed out that this is what might have occurred under normal conditions, but that increasing CO2 levels would overwhelmingly counteract such gradual cooling changes. And, indeed, if it weren’t for the Milankovitch cycle dampening the rate of temperature increase, we would be experiencing a much more dramatic warming.

So, instead of employing denial as a psychological defense mechanism against the terror called global warming, we all need to both intelligently adapt to our changing world AND to address the source of the problem (our unsequestration of carbon to fuel our machinery).

Note: If we don’t change our direction, we’ll wind up exactly where we’re headed. 

Milankovitch Cycle:

Global cooling vs warming:

Milankovitch and Physical Science

Mann’s hockey stick was too short: