Monday, September 17, 2018

Ocean Acidification: Global Warming’s Equally Evil Twin

An estimated 1/3 or more of the carbon dioxide from human activity and methane breaking down into carbon dioxide ‘eventually’ ends up in oceans. This is causing a huge disruption to the natural chemical balance of ocean water, making it more acidic and therefor threatening the entire marine food chain such as coral, clams, mussels, sea urchins, barnacles, and certain microscopic plankton that rely on equilibrated chemical conditions and pH levels in the ocean to build their calcium-based shells and other structures. 

The small plant-like microorganisms called Phytoplankton form the basis of the marine food chain and are a huge component of the global ecosystem. They are responsible for a large component of the photosynthetic activity on this planet and therefore provide a huge amount of energy that flows up the food chain to us. 
NOTE: They also provide most of the world’s oxygen supply. Past warming extinction events have seen their extreme diminishment.

“Phytoplankton provide most of the world’s oxygen supply. Past warming extinction events have seen their extreme diminishment.”