
Monday, July 9, 2018

Be of the ONE: I Am That I Am

Religious fundamentalists are generally somewhat superstitious — not because they believe in God, but because they naively try to reduce God to a caricature reminiscent of mankind. When the scriptures say that God created man in His image, the deeper meaning  is that the “I Am That I Am” holy Presence of God resides in each of us — not the reverse of God looking like man. 
Mankind’s whole•I•ness comes from allowing God’s Light & Love (I Am Presence) to shine forth thru us and into the world as His continuing ongoing ‘act of creation’. 

To receive God’s Light & Love from within and shine it forth (to give) is Divine. We are intended each to be a “point of Light and Love” shining forth in God’s Creation — just as the millions and billions of stars of the Milky Way each shine forth as beacons beckoning us onward.

Milky Way image: