Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Use Mower To Mulch Yard Leaves

For many years, I have been amused by people who rake and bag (or burn) yard leaves. They spend money on fertilizer for their yard (that isn't even properly used by the plants). Then they get rid off the world's best organic mulch by not utilizing leaves. Thus, they hamper the build up of humus in the soil and perpetuate a cycle of foolishness.

Note: Buy a "leaf blower-vacuum" and instead of using the leaf blower function to blow leaves, reverse the air flow  and vacuum the leaves out of your flower beds into the catch bag from non-lawn areas. Dump the now shredded leaves into a leaf composter and use as flower bed mulch in winterizing them next year.

I use a movable wire composter:

What NOT To Flush Down Toilet?

"Basically, the only thing you should ever flush down a toilet is human waste (urine and feces) and toilet paper."

Here is a list of some things to keep out of the toilet (and sewage system):
Any product labeled flushable (they are not truly flushable / they do not dissolve and will not make it to the sewage treatment plant --- meaning that they remain in the sewage pipes somewhere along the line & will cause eventual clogs and sometimes even damage.
Also, do not flush:
disposable diapers
tampons and tampon applicators
sanitary napkins
cotton balls and swabs
mini or maxi pads
cleaning wipes of any kind
facial tissue
bandages and bandage wrappings
automotive fluids
paint, solvents, sealants and thinners
poisons and hazardous waste
Unused Medications
Fats, Oils and Grease---
Grease in sewer pipes causes sewer maintenance problems for property owners and the city. Never pour grease in your sink drain and try to use your garbage disposal less."