Sunday, March 29, 2015

Will Nuclear Bombs Be Used ?!

It doesn't take much to realize that there is a degree of probability that North Korea will attack South Korea using nuclear weapons in the future. China does not control North Korea, and Russia could benefit in the future if both North Korea and Iran acted out its own hostilities. Thus, Israel would be forced to defend itself. My only real question is whether Iran (after developing nuclear weapons) will content itself with an attack on Israel or will it strike out at its Great Satan, the United States?

Note: The Korean War never ended. Only a ceasefire was agreed upon.

Note: Iran has repeatedly vowed to destroy Israel at all costs. This yields them political allies in many places.

Russia: 3 Geopolitical Frontlines --- Crimea,Kaliningrad and the Arctic

"Russian President Vladimir Putin signed off on a new military doctrine for the country on Dec. 26 last year.
"The new doctrine, beyond explicitly stating that NATO's expansion was the main external threat facing Moscow, calls for reinforcing three geopolitical fronts that Russia sees as part of its existential security.
"In the coming years Russia will focus considerable resources in developing and maintaining a strong military presence in the Arctic, the recently annexed Crimean peninsula, and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea."

Russia New Ambitions:

The Cosmic Web: Touch the Face of God

The Universe might be thought of as the physical manifestation of God (analogous to the body of God).

Google 'cosmic web'


Begin at 38:38

Iran In Iraq To Stay?!

The Bible: Its Buried Secrets

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

People Who Feed Deer

People Who Feed Deer create problems both for their neighbors & for the deer.  After having had to keep my dog indoors for almost a year because of the increased tick population in our area caused by roving deer, I’m writing this after talking with a pest control technician who verified what I’d suspected.  Namely, that the ticks (Ixodes scapularis),  plaguing dogs are being extensively spread by the deer.  These are the same large ‘hoofed ruminants’ who have led to the ‘totaling’ of two friends’ cars and ‘inflicted’ personal injuries.  [ Note: Nationwide, there are annually 1½+ million reported car crashes and an unspecified number of human fatalities and injuries / and this doesn’t include the suffering experienced by the deer]. 

Deer have become pests that destroy young native trees and bushes as well as devour yard plants (their “habitat destruction” of the understory needed by other flora and fauna is notorious).  And let’s not forget that deer serve as hosts for Lyme disease, West Nile virus, ‘blue tongue’, etcetera…. anytime there’s an increased population density of a species, disease will serve to help limit their numbers.  Starvation is also an ‘ironic’ and negative long term effect of humans feeding deer.  The deer population in the US is 40+ times greater than it was in the days of old when natural predators kept their population in check and forests were more prevalent (modern conditions provide them with more brush upon which to forage). Note: A lack of predators allows the deer to graze things closer to the ‘nib’ and helps to decrease forest growth.

So, if you’re buying a bag of cracked corn at the grocery store to take home for your “pet” deer & someone like me is giving you an “Oh No” kind of look, remember that deer are wild creatures… and you’re only compounding the variety of problems experienced because of their overpopulation.  If you want to attract wildlife to watch, then water the birds… leave the deer and squirrels alone / they’re better off without human ministrations.

Putin: A Scary Individual

Friday, March 6, 2015

China & N. Korea: The Bottom Line ???

"The North Korean economy is heavily dependent on China and any withdrawal by Beijing could destabilize North Korea. Based on this, the regime in the DPRK should be wary of the kind of leverage Beijing may exercise over them. However, the regime in Pyongyang seems to understand that maintaining stability in North Korea is one of China’s primary interests and the DPRK should refrain from any action that may cause destabilization in the region, for its own sake."

Use Mower To Mulch Yard Leaves

For many years, I have been amused by people who rake and bag (or burn) yard leaves. They spend money on fertilizer for their yard (that isn't even properly used by the plants). Then they get rid off the world's best organic mulch by not utilizing leaves. Thus, they hamper the build up of humus in the soil and perpetuate a cycle of foolishness.!/entry/leave-leaves-alone,51c1bd92da27f5d9d0e3f6a2

Note: Buy a "leaf blower-vacuum" and instead of using the leaf blower function to blow leaves, reverse the air flow and vacuum the leaves out of your flower beds into the catch bag from non-lawn areas. Dump the now shredded leaves into a leaf composter and use as flower bed mulch in winterizing them next year.

I use a movable wire composter:

Novarupta: Largest 20th Century Eruption

"On June 6th, 1912 a tremendous blast sent a large cloud of ash skyward and the eruption of the century was underway. People in Juneau, Alaska, about 750 miles from the volcano, heard the sound of the blast – over one hour after it occurred.

"For the next 60 hours the eruption sent tall dark columns of tephra and gas high into the atmosphere. By the time the eruption ended the surrounding land was devastated and about 30 cubic kilometers of ejecta blanketed the entire region. This is more ejecta than all of the other historic Alaska eruptions combined. It was also three times. more than the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo, the second largest in the 20th Century. Forty years after the eruption, investigators finally realized that Novarupta
-- and not Mount Katmai (6 miles distant) had been the source of the eruption. The region was so sparsely populated that there were no witnesses. Because of the reports of the top several hundred feet of Mt. Katmai being gone, it was assumed that Katmai had blown. It turned out, however, that about one cubic mile of material collapsed into the magma chamber below Katmai -- because Novarupta had stolen vast amounts of magma that had supported Mt. Katmai. This collapse produced a crater about two miles in diameter and over 800 feet deep."

Overpopulation: The Real "Inconvenient Truth"

Human overpopulation is the greatest threat to the well being of our planet and to our own survival as a species. The global effects of our activities are undeniable. Will humanity thrive long enough to evolve into a better species? Or will there merely be survivors?