Friday, February 6, 2015

pH Levels of Blood Affect Health

Cancer cells thrive in a lower oxygen environment. The body cannot retain oxygen as well if the blood pH is highly acidic, and this is the standard condition of those with tumors who eat a diet of refined sugars, flours and other acidic foods.

Other problems can be incurred when Candida fungus runs amok in the body. A close family friend had a life threatening such condition twenty years ago. The doctors were unable to stop it using conventional medications. She was desperate. I told her to mix apple cider vinegar with water and drink however much she could stand. Within a month, she was fine.

How the body reacts to certain foods is what determines what foods are alkaline-forming and what foods are acid-forming. For example lemons are acidic in nature, but have an alkalizing effect on the body once they are digested. Similarly, milk is alkaline outside the body, but acidic upon digestion.

Baking soda, or Sodium Bicarbonate, is a substance that neutralizes acids. In the body, it acts similarly. So, when I brush my teeth with baking soda and swallow it as I walk around the house it is an okay thing. I do not recommend dosing yourself with it. Instead I suggest watching the foods you eat.

The pH scale goes from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is alkaline. The blood, lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the human body are designed to be slightly alkaline at a pH of 7.4.

A healthy pH level tends to also alleviate allergies as well as to discourage tumors.

To test your blood pH level, use test strips:

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Assisted Living: Room Temperature Issues

If your loved one is not able to manage controlling the thermostat, then you have to rely on the caretakers to do so. Generally speaking, they will do a good job --- but not always. I went to see my mother every single afternoon and occasionally found the temperature to be awful. So, I put a large digital display thermometer in her room. I taped over the display face so that you could only read the room temperature. Then I put up a big big sign stating the desired temperature range for all to see. Then when I called her in the evening and in the morning, I'd ask her to tell me what the digital number was. If necessary, I'd call the assisted living desk and advise them of the situation.

Once again, the usual problem with the caretakers was that they were new and unfamiliar. Assisted living facilities have a hard time retaining their better employees. And then there's the assisted living management's inexplicable tendency to rotate the caretakers. Thus, too many things "fall between the cracks", especially in the larger facilities.

Note: Level of spending is no assurance of increased quality of care. Smaller facilities that are on a single floor level are your best bet overall. And daily visits are most helpful.

Dial 211 for Essential Community Services

If you need directed guidance as to who to call for help, then dial "211". In a physical emergency you dial 911. So, if you are looking for help or to have questions answered, dial 211 and let them direct you to the correct agency that can help you.

You don't have to give your personal data. It's free and confidential.

Avoiding Catching Colds And Flu

During my teaching career, I learned the basics of minimizing the likelihood of my getting sick. Good sleep, exercising and eating habits help. Not touching your face with anything that might have germs on it (especially your hands). Keeping your hands washed (clean). In my classroom, I used wipes to sanitize the doorknobs at the end of each day during flu season. I used a water and bleach solution in a spray bottle to spritz the student desk surfaces and wiped them down as often as possible at the end of each day, also. Keeping my students healthier helped keep me healthier.

Though reinforcing the basics of cold prevention with my students that included smothering any coughs or sneezes helped, an occasional outburst would atomize into the air, thus remaining aloft long enough to expose everyone. Thus, the importance of keeping yourself warm at all times (especially your head, throat and chest areas). Also essential is keeping your nasal and throat linings warm and moist -- I suggest a sucking on hard sugar candy while having your face and neck wrapped in a soft warm scarf that allows you to breathe through it when you're having to breathe in frigid dry air.

During daytime hours, drinking plenty of water is a good idea.

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