
Thursday, August 25, 2011


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"There's Justice In The Universe"
As I see it, old “King Coal” is back
& is wearing a robe labeled “liquefied
coal” (synfuel).  It can be burned
without high levels of sulfur, mercury
and other pollutants.  However, there
are many drawbacks, such as is that
it releases extra amounts of CO2 into
the atmosphere & one ton of coal only
produces two barrels of fuel.  Indeed,
since it’s an expedient route to avoid
long term investments in wind, solar,
geothermal, water type renewable
resources, it’ll dramatically increase
overall CO2 emissions.

Seemingly useful as a fuel to generate
electricity, it sounds ‘almost tempting’. 
But when  you look at who’s most
strongly backing it and see  the “big
buck” international proponents for
nuclear energy getting behind it
(ostensibly to use heat from nuclear
power plants to help ‘liquefy’ the coal)
& you read their literature which derides
the idea of humans being a significant
cause of global warming and that also
ridicules the dangers of radioactive
pollution and long-term problems of
dealing with nuclear waste AND
proliferation, you realize that any
possible merits of liquid coal are
canceled out. One cannot help but
notice that those who most want to
bankroll liquid coal do NOT want us
to invest in wind, geothermal, or solar
power technology.  They want to
maintain the kind of short term,
autocratic profit control that they’re
used to in fattening their coffers. 
[IF we’re going to use coal, then ‘coal
gasification’ (not coal liquefication) i
s the ONLY sane way.]
Oil has long been heavily subsidized. 
Now, just as we realize the need
for expanded renewable energy sources,
the oil / nuclear / liquid coal
consortium's advocates are
blatantly blocking the continuation
of tax credits for renewable energy
(along with plans to extend research
and development credits).  The
credits for wind, solar and other
renewables  are being held hostage
in Washington & Congress is actively
working to thwart federal action
regarding a new energy future for
America.  States are moving to counter
Congressional politics that bog
us down in our move away from
fossil fuels, but that doesn't
prevent fossil fuel interests
from holding sway in Washington.
One way to help Texas move in the
direction of energy independence
is to realize the following:

"Texas is the national leader in
wind power and we have the potential
to meet the rest of our energy
needs with solar power. In fact,
if we put solar panels on an area
thirty miles by thirty miles in
west Texas, we could generate
enough electricity to power the
entire state at competitive prices
(and this is not even taking in
consideration the advancing
improvement in solar technology /
which fossil fuel interests are
trying to thwart).

But to bring all that clean wind
and solar power from west Texas,
we need to invest in our
transmission grid. Right now,
the Public Utilities Commission
is deciding how much renewable
energy transmission to build. 
The most ambitious plan they're
looking at would create transmission
capacity for almost an additional
18,000 megawatts of wind and solar

I invite you to sign this PUC
petition urging the Commissioners
to select a plan that maximizes
the renewable energy transmission


Many religions believe that souls are created by God.  They, also, usually believe that God created the Universe.  He did –  just not in the direct ‘hands-on’ sort of way that us mortals can easily conceive of.  The creation of the soul and God’s Universe weren’t done in a measurable length of time / and they are interconnected.  Early Christians understood this; but, their teachings were not understood by much of the general populace.  For example, Christ did not promise instant redemption.  Later, these early Christians beliefs were considered to undermine the authoritarian structure of ‘established religion’, branded as esoteric, and banned [Early Christian writings & books that were rejected at the First Council of Nicaea].  Higher order thinking skills were driven underground and ordinary people were given something that they could believe in that would more easily give them hope.

Fortunately, other religions that were in existence and evolving at the same time, did stay true to the concept of an everlasting soul and one’s own responsibility in tending to it.  The Universal Law of Cause and Effect aka Karma tells us that we shall rise or fall in incremental stages according to our own thoughts and feelings and deeds.  You can believe in the salvation that Christ brought, but only if you take his message of Love & Wisdom into your “heart & soul” can you be saved “one step at-a-time” through repeated incarnations in this physical world manifestation of purgatory that some call a “world school”.
"There is a significant political divide
in beliefs about the origin of human
beings, with 60% of Republicans
saying humans were created in their
present form by God 10,000 years ago,
a belief shared by only 40% of
independents and 38% of Democrats. 
Not surprisingly, the significantly
higher percentage of Republicans who
select the creationist view reflects in
part the strong relationship between
religion and views on the origin of
humans. Republicans are significantly
more likely to attend church weekly
than are others, and Americans who
attend church weekly are highly likely
to select the creationist alternative for
the origin of humans.

Implications:  "Although it is not a
front-burner issue (particularly in light
of the economy and the price of
gasoline) the issue of teaching evolution
in schools came up on the campaign trail
last year, and could resurface in one way
or the other between now and the
November election.

Presumptive Republican nominee John
McCain is facing the challenge of gaining
the confidence and enthusiasm of
conservative Republicans. Turnout
among this group could be an important
factor in determining the final vote
outcome in a number of key swing states.
As seen here, Republicans are in general
sympathetic to the creationist explanation
of the origin of humans, and if the issue
of what is taught in schools relating to
evolution and creationism surfaces as a
campaign issue, McCain's response could
turn out to be quite important."

Read more:

My Comment:  What's scary is the fact
that so many people think that man was
created by God in our present form.

Such a lack of abstract thought and such
obtuse literalism is disheartening.
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome (EHS)
is a condition in which people are highly sensitive
to electromagnetic fields. In an area such as a
wireless hotspot, they experience pain or other
symptoms.  People with EHS experience a variety
of symptoms including headache, fatigue, nausea,
burning and itchy skin, and muscle aches. These
symptoms are subjective and vary between
individuals, which makes the condition difficult to
study, and has left experts divided about the
validity of such claims. More than 30 studies have
been conducted to determine what link the
condition has to exposure to electromagnetic
fields from sources such as radar dishes,
mobile phone signals and, Wi-Fi hotspots.
The Government Pension Offset (GPO)
affects spousal Social Security by
reducing benefits by two-thirds of
what their TRS pension is; in many
cases eliminating the Social Security
benefit entirely.

The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)
never totally reduces Social Security
benefits, but does significantly reduce
it by using a modified formula to calculate benefits earned by the individual.

And the majority of Texas teachers
(and other public service employees
like police, etc.) never become
aware of this until they're applying
for their SS benefits.  Those few
who work in school districts that
pay into SS in addition to their state retirement plan will not be hurt
if they've done so for ten years --
but all others are going to have
stolen what should have been theirs. 

Support protection for  public servants from
unfair penalties.

To write a letter:

To send e-mail:

The CDC has shown that at least
one in four teenage girls has a sexually
transmitted disease (the rate for boys is
probably higher).  Meanwhile, funding
for comprehensive sex education goes
down while funding for abstinence-only
programs goes up along with the teen
pregnancy rate.

As a retired secondary public school
teacher, I can tell you that today's kids
may be savy about many things --
but their awareness about STDs is
sadly deficient.  'Safe sex' to them
simply tends to mean 'avoiding
pregnancy'.  They have no idea of
the longterm effects of STDs and
how hard (sometimes impossible)
it is to cure them (e.g., neonatal herpes).

Teachers are not allowed to provide
the kind of information they need,
but parents and relatives can. 
Refresh your knowledge & then
alk to your kiddos before it's too late.
"There is growing awareness in this
country that the full cost of using
oil for transportation is "subsidized"
-- that is, gasoline prices paid by
consumers do not reflect the full
economic cost to society. The true
cost is hidden by myriad direct and
indirect public subsidies,
which include
    * reduced corporate income
taxes for the oil industry
    * lower than average sales
taxes on gasoline
    * government funding of programs
that primarily benefit the oil
industry and motorists
    * "hidden" environmental costs
caused by motor vehicles, namely air,
water, and noise pollution

This hidden system of oil subsidies
has created an energy policy by
default -- a policy that is actually
the reverse of stated national
priorities. Oil industry subsidies
further our dangerous dependence on
foreign oil supplies and burden
axpayers with unacceptable costs
to human health, the environment,
and the economy."

Read more:

The rapid jump in oil prices is due to rising demand, constrained supplies, the weak dollar and the commodities markets being flooded with money from investors.  With the Federal Reserve cutting interest rates so deeply that interest payments on many bonds (the preferred investment of pension funds, etcetera) no longer keep up with inflation, commodities have skyrocketed. As for the spike at the gas pump, one must add on the fact that U.S. refiners cut back on production [they announced such in May].

I'm of the opinion that investments in renewable energy will soon become profitable at this rate.  Years ago, I signed on with Austin Energy's GreenChoice (the nation's most successful utility-sponsored green power program). We also bought a hybrid Toyota Highlander.  Our roof is aluminum shakes with insulation inerts added. The house is weatherized.

The Transportation Department is responsible for implementing the new standard requiring automakers to boost the fuel economy of new cars and trucks to an average of at least 35 miles per gallon by 2020. Unfortunately, their draft proposal creates a huge loophole by projecting that we will be paying between $2.25 to $2.60 per gallon for gas through 2020. This gas price fantasy allows automakers to cut three to four miles per gallon off of their required fuel economy improvements.

Please let Secretary of Transportation Mary Peters know what your gas prices really are and what you, and the nation, stand to lose if this gas price loophole is not closed.

Take Action: