Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Global Warming vs Cooling

Whenever the ‘Milankovitch cycle’ increases the the amount of sunlight energy striking the surface of the Earth, this causes the ‘carbon cycle’ to begin releasing more CO2 into the biosphere — which, in turn, amplifies the natural warming. When the Milankovitch cycle decreases the amount of sunlight hitting the face of the Earth, then CO2 levels gradually decrease and the ‘greenhouse effect’ is weakened. However, when large amounts of greenhouse gases are dumped into the biosphere by events such as large igneous provinces (LIPs) or the massive burning of fossil fuels by humans, then the amplification factor of the greenhouse effect is strengthened significantly. If you’re in an ice age, it might be beneficial; however, when you’re in an interglacial period such as we are, then it becomes detrimental.

Search: ‘interplay Milankovitch cycle Carbon cycles greenhouse effect’

Global Climate Temperature Graph (18,000 years ago to present):
