
Sunday, September 24, 2017

Global Warming: C02 and Methane Hydrates

One climate change variable that is not receiving serious enough popular consideration is the subject of:
"Methane Hydrate Degasification + Paleoclimatology". 

Read up on this, and then consider:
since temperatures in the current interglacial period may possibly be forced to go higher than in any previous interglacial period due to the artificially higher levels of CO2's amplifying the natural Milankovitch temperatures, ocean temperatures will be warmer at greater depths than they have been in over 56 million years (in the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum). 

That means that the oceanic methane hydrate that has been building up without interglacial releases at these greater depths over the eons will begin to be released once we pass the temperature level threshold that exceed those of the Pliocene (3-5 mya).

Thus, greater amounts of oceanic methane than ever before in any interglacial period would come into play (past that point of oceanic temperatures).

Will this occur overnight? Certainly not. But those greenhouse gases being released now (and will be released in the future) will play a role in ever increasing global temperatures for many centuries. Certainly long enough to be a factor in eventual long term 'methane hydrate degasification'. "IF" this then were to lead to a self sustaining cycle, then in the worst case scenario, eventually there'd be very few higher order life forms left anywhere.

Note: We are very fortunate to have detailed ice core information from Antartica and Greenland that tell about global temperatures, etcetera. After studying the graphs from these, it's very obvious that the temperatures during the past ten thousand years take on an atypical pattern when compared to previous interglacials. The single outstanding variable is mankind's activities.

Want more? Use search parameter:
"interglacials Milankovitch cycles carbon dioxide methane hydrate degasification paleoclimatology"

Note: What is especially disconcerting is our desire to tap into methane hydrate as a fuel source. Because, this would only spike the surge levels of CO2.
